Bus stations, Kharkiv city

Bus station No.1
22, Haharina avenue, Kharkiv city:
•    Information bureau                +380 (57) 732 65 02,
                                                   +380 (57) 732 65 04;
•    International cashier's office  +380 (57) 732 65 65.

Bus station No.2
12, Central market, Suzdalski Riady street, Kharkiv city 
+380 (57) 712 49 42

Bus station No.3
6, Kinnyi market, Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy square (Povstannia square), Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 732 57 65

Bus station No.4
8, Forest park, Bilhorodske highway, Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 315 01 76

Bus station No.6
299a, Moskovskyi avenue, Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 755  81 39

Pryvokzalnyi cashier and dispatching station
1, Pryvokzalna square, Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 752 99 76

Heroiv Pratsi cashier desk
160, Akademika Pavlova street, Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 703 62 88

Kharkov enterprise of bus stations
22, Haharina avenue, Kharkiv city
+380 (57) 732 64 08